How Are We Doing?
What does it take for Black artists to thrive in Vermont? This three-part series of reports documents an innovative formative research project designed to find out! Findings and recommendations from this action-oriented study share important insights and next steps for cross-sectoral collaborations among nonprofit organizations and others working in the arts and public health sectors to support healthy communities and the wellbeing of Black artists.
Scroll down to view or download and read the Part 1, 2, and 3 reports- Understanding what it takes for Black artists to thrive in Vermont- Part 1: Findings and Recommendations from Artist Inverviews, Part 2: Findings and Recommendations from a Wellness Check-In with Artists, and Part 3: A Rapid Scan of the Literature on Black Artists' Empowerment and Measures of Thriving in the Arts and Health Sectors. (Note: it may take a minute for the reports to appear on your screen).
Scroll down to view or download and read the Part 1, 2, and 3 reports- Understanding what it takes for Black artists to thrive in Vermont- Part 1: Findings and Recommendations from Artist Inverviews, Part 2: Findings and Recommendations from a Wellness Check-In with Artists, and Part 3: A Rapid Scan of the Literature on Black Artists' Empowerment and Measures of Thriving in the Arts and Health Sectors. (Note: it may take a minute for the reports to appear on your screen).
How Are We Doing? is an extension of Clemmons Family Farm’s Beneath Our Skin COVID-19 Vaccination Storytelling Project, funded by the Vermont Department of Health.